11 July 2009

Xango Review: Should I Join Xango?

Looking for an honest Xango review? Then you've come to the right place if you're looking to join Xango but want to do your due diligence first. You'll get the good, the bad, and the ugly.

I'm sure you've been searching all over the 'net for a real Xango review. I've checked out some of the websites out there that promise you a Xango review but in reality they either tell you nothing about Xango or they intentionally lie or make up stuff about the company - that's bad!

These people do a real disservice to the network marketing industry. Do you really have the time to sort out the truth from fiction when you're doing your research into Xango? Well of course not and you shouldn't have to.

Now on to...

The Xango Review

Xango has been around for several years and have done very well for itself. In fact it is one of the top producing network marketing companies of all time. Now here's the "double edge sword"...

Xango is no longer "new." A lot of people in the network marketing industry have heard of Xango, so Xango doesn't have that excitement  or "wow" factor as it did when it first was launched years ago. So, yes the new company excitement is gone with Xango just like with any other company that's been around for awhile. 

It doesn't mean that Xango will never have that excitement back, but as of right now it's just another top producing network marketing company.

Some of the things that excited me about Xango was its branding, its embrace of the Internet, and the marketing systems created by its top distributors. Back when Xango got started in 2002 it was revolutionary to see all of these coming from a network marketing company.

Can You Still Make Money With Xango?

You can make money with anything as long as there's a market for the product(s) you're marketing. From an health and wellness business opportunity or network marketing standpoint there are some things you need to realize...

How is the Xango Business Opportunity?

From a business point of view where you're going to be recruiting a distributor network you want to understand what I wrote about Xango not being "new" anymore. Xango does have a good compensation plan but from what I heard there are a couple of other top producing companies who have better ones, for ex. Mona Vie.

With that said, you don't want to choose a company based solely on the comp plan. There are other things that must come into consideration like the management team, which by the way Xango has a top notch one, how long the company's been in existence, and the products the company sells.

Now Xango is a traditional network marketing company. What I mean by that is that your purpose is to build a distributor network, hopefully a large one. If you have no desire to build a distributor network or you want huge commissions upfront then a traditional network marketing company like Xango is not for you.

So, Ready to Join Xango? Well Not So Fast...

This Xango review was not designed to sway you one way or the other. Xango is a good company, but it's you that will determine your success...not Xango. The company is solid, but you must realize that you do have to build a network of distributors to make any kind of decent money.

If you're seriously looking at Xango, then the only other research you'll need to do next is find a good sponsor. The only reasons why you would even be "sponsor shopping" is that you're either looking for a team that has some tools/systems in place for to use or you want  a little hand-holding - which you may likely not get with a top distributor.

Choosing Your Distributor

First of all, you determine your own success. Signing up under a top distributor is by no means any guarantee that you'll have success too. Reach out on the social networks like Facebook and LinkedIn to find a distributor who is willing to talk to you and share with you some of things they are doing with their Xango business.


I hope you found this Xango review helpful and if do join Xango I wish you all the best if not, I still wish you the best on your network marketing journey.
