Did you know that the mangosteen…
* is a tropical fruit from Asia?
* is the national fruit of Thailand?
* contains 43 of the more than 200 xanthones found in nature, and that the name "xanthone" comes from the Greek word “xanthos,” meaning yellow?
* is really called Garcinia mangostana in scientific circles?
* belongs to the scientific family Guttiferae, which is the same family as St. John’s Wort?
* was named by the French explorer and physician Laurentiers Garcin, who called it “more cordial than the strawberry?”
* is rich in antioxidants?
* is recommended for use in preventive maintenance for the body?
* is not a mango?
* has a rind that is used in tanning and dyeing?
* is mentioned in Chinese medical accounts dating back to the Ming Dynasty (1368 A.D.-1644 A.D.)?
* has been used by tens of thousands of people for medicinal purposes for hundreds of years?
* weighs generally about 80-140 grams?
* usually contains only 2-3 seeds?
* comes from a tree that can grow to a height of up to 75 feet?
* grows on a tree that takes up to ten years of cultivation in order to bear fruit, and produces fruit twice each year
* twigs from this tree are used in Ghana as “chew sticks”?
* is claimed by some to be the best tasting fruit in the world?
* has been said to have been Queen Victoria’s favorite fruit?
* is known as the “food of the gods” and “queen of fruits” in some areas around the world?
Info courtesy of: http://mangosteenfruitinfo.com/mangofacts.asp
For more info on Mangosteen visit: Mangosteen Juice