Whoever said soccer and network marketing don't go together? LOL Bring out your pom-poms, and your rugrats to join a host of other local distributors on Saturday, June 13th at The Home Depot Center in Carson, California as we passionately display our support of XanGo’s team, Real Salt Lake.
This will be an awesome event and a great XanGo environment to meet, mingle, and network with other XanGo Distributors and guests.
The game’s first kick is at 7:30 p.m. at The Home Depot Center. We’ve secured a XanGo supporters section with great seats for this contest (valued at $50) for only $25. (*details below).
This same weekend there are a number of Distributor meetings being held throughout the state; for complete details check out the California section of our XanGo Distributor Meetings website. You know what they say about “all work and no play”—come on out and enjoy the company of local Distributors while watching your Real Salt Lake take on the L.A. Galaxy.
When XanGo partnered with Real Salt Lake, we committed to be a great, active fan to our home team. This event is exactly what we envisioned for our Distributors when we made that commitment: an exciting, fun environment that would enable our Distributors to showcase their brand and enjoy the company of those who share their passion for this business.
Come meet founder and board member Gordon Morton and other local distributors. For tickets and additional information, please contact Ryan Templeman at 801.753.2319 or
ryant [at] xango.com.
For more Real Salt Lake coverage, blogs and schedules, please visit www.xangosoccer.com